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Saturday, April 4, 2015

A bit about Easter

Forcing Fosythia. Ponder the word; forcing. 

Yes, Easter is a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Easter eggs are a symbol of the empty tomb and the White Lily is the reverent symbol that adorns the chancel area of all Christian Churches. 

Yes, early Roman Catholics did adopt ancient Eastre spring equinox fertility rituals; the egg, the bunnies, the mere birthing of spring as a way of merging early Pagan tradition with Christ Worship. 

But does it matter?  Today, great masses of people celebrate the commercialized holiday that Easter has become. When our children were little, they got new runners, sidewalk chalk and searched for Easter eggs. We had a big meal and invited extended family to join us. 

I respect the story of Jesus Christ, I honour all great spiritual prophets, but I think I lean a little more towards the non faith-based devotions of mankind and Mother Earth.  That’s just a personal choice. 

Easter is sacred to me because we dine together, I still give my teenage kids chocolate eggs and we have come to know that spring has sprung. We no longer are close to extended family, but it's okay because we concentrate on just our family unit and how our young adults will bring new relationships to the family. Our family. 

Easter feels like the whole world has growth & potential again. We collectively can put the onslaught of the past winter and issues behind us and rejoice. This holiday is about new hope.  I do believe in a higher, divine and ethereal Spirit.  What I call it, is unimportant - what guidance it gives me is invaluable. 

 Easter is simply about rebirth.  Mine, yours, Mother Earth's & the spirit of Jesus Christ - for those who identify with it. .

 The afterlife, noetic sciences have been around for a long, long time.  Not all metaphysical phenomena is spooky.  Easter is proof that it’s quite divine, for Jesus Christ came back from the dead.

Happy Easter.  Happy New Birth.  Happy Family Time!